Saturday, July 6, 2019

Classic Pak Shot

By Bill Osborne
Reprinted from

Mickey Remund and the Pay 'n Pak. Photo by Bill Osborne

It never occurred to me that the new Pay 'n Pak would turn out to be one of the all-time great race boats. By 1973, I had been in multiple helicopters. Setting up a shot from a helicopter wasn't as easy as it sounds. With the door removed, a Jet Ranger or a Hughes 500 C maxed out at about 115 mph, so the challenge was to position the helicopter so the Pak would run underneath at just the right time.

One thing I learned quickly was how the water would turn almost black when looking down on a running boat. What no one knew was that I was suffered from motion sickness most of the time I flew, so I had to learn how to keep my eyes focused on the boat and not allow myself to let the movement affect my work.